Monday, October 28, 2013

Son tut....

Supplies Used:
Jax tube by the amazing Freya. This was a private commission. 
Son of A Gun kit & Add on by me. Get the PTU kit at PFD.
Download the FTU portion of the kit from my blog HERE. (Comments are appreciated.)
Eyecandy 4000 Glass & Gradient glow (Font Only)
Font: Carnivalee Freakshow
 Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 7.
 Resize by 75%.
Select the inside of the frame and inside the links with your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 10 from the add on into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Gear 3 from the add on.
Position under the top left side of the paper.
Dropshadow gear.
C/P Vine.
Rotate 90 degrees.
Position along the top of the frame.
Dropshadow vine.
C/P Roses.
Resize by 65%.
Image, Mirror.
Dropshadow roses.
Position along the left side of the frame.
C/P Dragon Skull.
Resize by 40%.
Position over the top left corner of the frame.
C/P Cemetery.
Resize by  50%.
Image, Mirror.
Position along the bottom of the frame.
C/P Liquor.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left corner of the frame.
C/P Bike.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position under the right side of the bottles.
C/P Ammunition box.
Resize by 50%.
Position under the right side of the bike.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the frame.
C/P Tag Back 2.
Resize by 45%. Dropshadow.
Position under the top left side of the frame.
Duplicate & Mirror.
Merge layer down.
Duplicate & Flip.
Type out your font.
Apply Eyecandy 4000 Glass.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Boo-tiful Gateway Mini tut...(FTU)

Supplies Used:
Tube by Tammys Posertuben. It is FTU and you can get it HERE.
Boo Crew kit from Manipulated By Magik. It is also FTU and you can get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Mrs. Monster

What I Used:
Moon 2
Paper 5
Paper 1 (Multiply)
Sparkles (65%)
Gate (50%)
Frame 3 (75%)
Roses (65%)
Gravestone (30%)(2x)
Candle 2 (30%)
Pumpkins (30%)
Skeleton 2 (30%)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Frannie-Stein Mini tut...

What I used:
Frankenstein tube by Danny Lee. Get it at SATC.
Frankie kit by Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Samdan Evil Condensed

What I used:
Element 24 (50%)(3x)
Paper 6
Element 8 (40%)
Element 59 (40%)
Element 45 (40%)
Element 62 (40%)
Element 61 (40%)
Element 51 (Mirror)
Element 27 (40%)
Element 57 (30%)

My Curse tut...

Supplies Used:
The Curse Of The Raven tube by Tatjna Art. Get it at PSP Project.
Cursed kit by Tasha's Playground. Get it at PSP Project.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Sanctuary 

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 5.
Resize by 75%.
Use your selection tool to select the inside of the frame.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 10 into selection.
C/P Background.
 Resize by 65%.
Position over the center of the paper.
C/P Moon.
Position under the paper layer.
C/P your tube.
Duplicate frame layer.
Erase any part of the frame over the top of the tube.
Dropshadow original frame layer.
C/P Street Light.
Position over the right side of the frame.
C/P Candles.
Remove the bottom part of the candles with your eraser tool.
C/P Rock.
Resize by 50%.
Position over the bottom right of the frame.
C/P Scatter 2.
Resize by 75%.
Position along the bottom of the frame.
C/P Bottle 3.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
C/P Bottle.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
C/P Bottle 2.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position bottles over the bottom left corner of the frame.
C/P Rose.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom center of the bottles.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel.
Add gradient glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Zombie Crawl mini tut...

Supplies Used:
Cervena tube by Celinart Pinup. Get it at SATC.
Bloody kit by Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Zombie

What I Used:
Element 50 (2x)
Element 84 (Flip)
Element 24 (40%)(mirror)
Element 75 (40%)(Mirror)
Element 83 (40%)(3x)
Element 48 (20%)
Element 16 (50%)(2x)
Element 78 (40%)(2x)
Element 10 (75%)(Mirror)
Element 79 (50%(2x)
Element 46 (50%)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Zombie Beauty Mini tut....

Supplies Used:
Zombies Have More Fun tube By Christine Marie-Kotlark. Get it at SATC.
Zombie Heart kit by Me...Tragic Scraps. Get it at PFD
Eyecandy 4000 Glass & Gradient Glow 
Font: Zombie

What I used:
Tag Back 2 (75%)
Paper 21
Paper 16 (Luminance L)
Moon (50%)
Clouds (Opacity to 80)
Black Butterflies (30%)
Frame 7 (60% then 90%) (Duplicate frame, Layer Property Multiply, Opacity 90)
Dead Trees (50%)
Cemetery (85%)
Orchids (30%)(Duplicate, Top layer property multiply)
Rose & Thorns (50%)
Rose In Bowl (7%)(Mirror)
Skull Pile (30%)(Mirror)
Word Art 2 (75%)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Foxy Fall tut (Animated)

Supplies Used:
Vanessa Lake tube by Celinart Pinup. Get it at SATC.
Fox kit from Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Fairy Strange
Animation Shop

In PSP Open a new image size 500 by 500.
Flood Fill background white.
C/P Element 66.
Resize by 50%)
C/P Paper 2.
Resize by 40%.
Move under the frame layer.
Using your lasso tool select around all the bits of paper that stick out under the frame.
Hit delete on your keyboard.
C/P Element 32.
Resize by 30%.
Position under the upper right hand corner of the frame.
Change Layer Property to Luminance.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Element 34.
Resize by  75%.
Position over the left side of the frame.
C/P Element 28.
Resize by 25%.
Position over the tree branch close to the trunk.
C/P Element 48.
Resize by 40%.
Positon at the bottom of the tree trunk.
C/P Element 82.
Resize by 50%.
Position at the bottom of the rocks.
C/P Element 16.
Resize by 30%.
Duplicate leaves.
Use leaves to fill in any gap left between the frame and glitter mask.
C/P Element 44.
Resize by 30%.
Position near the bottom left of the rock.
C/P Element 9.
Resize by 30%.
Position under the bottom right of the candle pumpkin.
C/P Element 10.
Resize by 30%.
Duplicate acorns.
Position acorns along the bottom of the pumpkins.
C/P your tube.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3 in a contrasting Color.
Don't forget to add your copyright & Watermark.
If you are choosing not to animate close off the white background layer and save as a .png. It will look like this....

If animating your tag close all of your layers.
Open only the white background & Paper layers.
Copy merged and paste into animation shop.
Make sure propagate paste is on.
Duplicate image for a total of 15 frame.
Select frame one then choose select all.
Open the animation that comes in the kit.
Resize animation to 350 pixels.
Select frame 1 of the animation then select all.
Move frame 1 of the animation to frame one of your paper/background layer focusing the animation over the paper.
View your animation to ensure it runs smooth.
Select all frame.
Change the speed to around 30.

Back in PSP open all layers of your tag.
Close the background and paper layers. (And the name if your want to make a "blank")
Copy Merged and paste into animation shop.
Drag image to frame 1 of your animation.
View animation to ensure it is running smooth.
Save as a .gif or .mng depending on what you are using the tag for ;)
If you closed the name layer to create a blank tag follow the steps above to add your name.
Hope you enjoyed this tut....I would love to see your results!!! Feel free to email them to me here.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pharoh's Curse Mini tut...

Supplies Used:
Mummy Maat tube by Diana Gali. Get it at SATC.
Mummy Maat kit from Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Chrome (Font Only)
Font: Egyptian Nights

What I Used:
Paper 2
Element 16 (40%)
Element 17 (40%)
Element 110 (50%)
Element 140 (50%)
Element 52 (40%)
Element 37 (30%)
Element 51 (30%)
Element 47 (35%)
Element 120 (50%)
Element 82 (30%)
Element 76 (45%)
Element 154 (40%)(Mirror)
Element 32 (30%)
Element 31 (30%)
Element 146 (30%)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Blood Rose Mini tut...

Supplies Used:
Thirst For Blood tube by Danny Lee. Get it at SATC.
Death Of A Rose kit from Me :) Get it at PFD.
Eyecandy 4000 Glass & Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Bad Angel

What I Used
Paper 7 (Duplicate, Top Layer Multiply)
Moon (50%)(Duplicate, Top Layer Multiply)
Dead Tree (50%)
Mist 1
Frame 3 (80%)(Rotate 90 Degrees)
Bats (30%)
Flower Branch (50%)(Rotate 90 Degrees)
Candle 2 (50%)(2x)
Graveyard (50%)(Mirror)
Coffin 2 (30%)
Vine (30%)(2x)
Rose 17 (30%)(2x)
Skull Pile 1 (30%)

Damon's Darkness Mini tut...

Supplies Used:
Vamp 2 tube by The Hunter. Get it at SATC.
Twilight kit from Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Glass & Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Be Safe

What I Used:
Element 31 (Duplicate, Top Layer Property Burn)
Paper 1
Paper 10 (Mirror & Layer Property Luminance L)
Element 9
Element 91 (40%)
Element 30 (75%)
Element 67 (40%)
Element 90 (75%)
Element 103 (Mirror)(75%)
Element 84 (75%)
Element 68
Element 86 (75%)(Adjust Hue/Saturation to 0)
Element 39 (40%)