Sunday, March 31, 2013

Waiting In The Blue tut...

Supplies Used:
Blue Fairy Spring Pack from Zindy & CBJ. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Kelly

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Key frame.
Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 14 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Lantern.
Resize by 30%.
Position inside the top left corner of the frame.
C/P Charm Hanger Element.
Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position charms over the round part of the key.
C/P Charm Rib 2 Element.
Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the top of the key.
C/P Clock.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left corner of the frame.
C/P Box.
Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the clock.
C/P Stud Heart.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right of the chest.
C/P Tube.
C/P Flower Box.
Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the heart.
C/P Glitters.
Image, Flip.
Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate & Mirror.
Position over the bottom of the chest and Flower box.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Spring Hibiscus tut...

Supplies Used:
Flower Fairy collection from Zindy & CBJ. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Love

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 2.
Resize by 50%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 13 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Glitter Rainbow.
Resize by 40%. 
Use your eraser tool to remove any part of the rainbow off the top of the frame.
C/P your tube.
C/P Ivy.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the tube.
C/P Violet Floral.
Image, Flip.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the ivy.
C/P Beads.
Image, Flip.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position under the right edge of the flower.
C/P Star Dust.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position over the beads.
C/P Rose.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position to the bottom right of the flower.
C/P Little Flower.
Position near the bottom center of the flowers.
C/P Hummingbird 2.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the hole on the little flower.
C/P Hummingbird.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top purple flower.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Emo Bunny Treats tut...

Supplies Used:
Goth Bunny Girl tube by Spazz. Get it at SATC.
Goth Bunny Girl kit from Lizquis Scraps. Get it at SATC.
Font: Seasons-Spring

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 3.
Resize by 55%.
Select the insid eof the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 8 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Flowers.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top of the frame.
Duplicate flowers & Flip.
C/P Gumball.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the frame.
C/P Kitty.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom right of the gumball.
C/P Candy 1.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position candies to the left of the kitty.
C/P Lollipop2.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position the Lollipop to the top right of the gumball.
C/P Lollipop1.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position the lollipop under the bunny lollipop.
C/P yout tube.
Position sittin on the right bottom of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Dreaming love tut...

Supplies Used:
Yellow Summer Blue Winter tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
Whisper Of Spring kit from Manipulated By Magik. This kit is exclusive to the Creative Chicks forum.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only).
Font: Segoe Script

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 3.
Resize by 75%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, modify, expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 6 into selection.
C/P your tube.
Selections, Invert, Delete.
Dropshadow tube & frame.
C/P Bird bath.
Resize by 50%.
Position over the bottom left of the frame.
C/P Bubbles.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the bird bath.
C/P Bird.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right of the birdbath.
C/P Doodle.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the birdbath.
C/P Swans.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the deco.
C/P Flower 5.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position to the right of the swans.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add gradient glow of 3 in white.
Don,t forget your copyright & watermark.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Rockin' Night Out tut....(FTU)

Supplies Used:
Best Of Rock tut by Arthur Crowe. Get it HERE.
Aphrodisiac kit from Manipulated By Magik. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Brother Tattoo

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 4.
Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 9 into selection.
C/P Sparkles.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the frame.
C/P Roses.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right of the frame.
C/P Cell.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on a slight angle.
C/P Wine.
Resize by 40%.
Position near the bottom left of the cell.
C/P Lipstick.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position to the bottom right of the cell.
C/P Cupcake.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position to the left of the lipstick.
C/P Compact.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on an angle ot the left of the cupcake.
C/P your tube.
Position over the left of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Select the background layer.
C/P Mirror Ball.
Position under the top right of the frame.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Fantasy Dreamlands tut...

Supplies Used:
Dream Away Collection by Zindy & CBJ. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Aquarelle

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Fantasy Bracket.
Resize by 35%. Dropshadow.
C/P Flower Doodle.
Resize by 35%. Dropshadow.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Duplicate doodle.
Image, Flip.
Line the doodles up with the top & Bottom of the bracket.
C/P Flutter Rainbow.
Resize by 35%.
Position across the bracket.
C/P Forget Me Nots.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 35%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the bracket.
C/P Flower Layout.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the bottom of the forget me nots.
C/P Magnolias.
Resize by 10%. Dropshadow.
Position to the right of the white flowers at the bottom of the frame.
C/P Butterfly Swirl.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position across the bracket.
C/P Love Bird.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top white flowers.
C/P your tube.
Position over the left side of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Tiny Pirate tut...(FTU)

Supplies Used:
Tube by Barachan. Get it at DSI.
Don't Be A Pirate kit from Tasha's Playground.
Alien Skin Xenophex 2 Burnt Edges
Font: Scriptina

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Map.
Resize by 125%.
Apply Alien Skin Burnt Edges with the following settings...
C/P Sand.
Resize by 50%.
Position over the bottom right of the map.
C/P Sun.
Resize by 75%.
Position over the top right side of the map.
C/P Pirate Ship.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the map.
C/P your tube.
Position to the right of the ship.
C/P Pirate Treasure.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the tube.
C/P Palm Tree.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position to the left of the tube & Chest.
Duplicate Palm Tree and mirror.
Move the trunk of the palm under the sand layer.
C/P Polly.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Hang from the coconuts on the right palm tree.
C/P Cannon.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position near the bottom of the right palm tree.
C/P Word Art 2.
Resize by 50%.
Select inside each letter using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 1.
Add a new raster layer under the word art.
Flood Fill selection with #7f98ff.
Type out your font over the word pirate.
C/P Ship Wheel.
Resize by  40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the chest.
Using your lasso tool select the inside of the wheel.
Add a new raster layer under the wheel.
C/P Paper 5 into selection.
C/P Rum.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position to the right of the wheel.
C/P Coins. 
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the rum.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Emo 'tude tut...(FTU Tube & Kit!!)

Supplies Used:
Stop tube by Bonnie's Creations. Get it HERE.
Skulltastic kit from manipulated by Magik. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Quiggley Wiggly

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 3.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Add a new raster layer unde rthe frame layer.
Use your lasso tool to select around the frame.
C/P Paper 1 into selection.
C/P Skull Scatter.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the frame.
C/P Teddy & Skull.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the frame.
C/P Cupcake.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the teddy legs.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevl of choice.
Add gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Honey Bee tut...

Supplies Used:
Bumble Girl tube by Danny Lee. Get it at SATC.
Bee Bee kit from Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: SP Pretty Purkey

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 47.
Image, Flip, Mirror.
Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new ratser layer under the frame layert.
C/P Paper 4 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P your tube.
Use your eraser tool to remove any excess at the bottom of the tube.
C/P Element 27.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the frame.
C/P Element 29.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the tree.
C/P Element 13.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the trees.
C/P Element 8.
Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position over one of the tree branches.
C/P Element 9.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom right of the frame.
C/P Element 33.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the trees.
C/P Element 48.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position to the right of the tree stump.
C/P Element 45.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position on top of the tree stump.
C/P Element 32.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate 2 times.
Position over the hive and trees.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3 in black.
Select your background layer.
C/P Element 50.
Position under the top right of the frame.
Duplicate & Flip.
C/P Element 4.
Resize by 50%.
Position over the top left of the honeycomb.
Duplicate 2 times.
Merge layers down.
Duplicate mask.
Flip & Mirror.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Goddess Of The Garden tut...

Supplies Used:
Aphrodite tube by Tony T. Get it at HERE.
Greek Goddess kit from Tasha's Playground. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Gelio Pasteli

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Mist.
Resize by 75%. Duplicate and mirror.
Position over the center of your canvas.
C/P Gold Dust.
C/P Sun.
Resize by 75%.
Position over the top right of the mist
C/P Columns.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Use your lasso tool to select around one of the columns.
Edit, Copy.
Edit, Paste.
Position the tall column on the left of the canvas.
Position the short column on the right side of the canvas.
C/P Path.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position between the bottom of the columns.
C/P Sparkle 2.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position sparkles over the columns.
C/P Branch.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate branch.
Use your deform tool to position branches over the tall column.
C/P Well.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the short column.
C/P Scatter.
Resize by 30%.
Position over the well.
C/P Lyre.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the bottom right of the well.
C/P Bow 1.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate and mirror.
Position near the top of the columns.
C/P Leaves.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left column.
C/P Strand.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the gold leaves.
C/P your tube.
Position over the path.
C/P Dove.
Resize by 40%. 
Position over the sun.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3 in white.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Sin City Showgirl tut....(FTU Tube)

Supplies Used:
Tube by Bonnie's Creations.Get it HERE.
Vegas Showgirl kit by Bonnie's Creations. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Feel Script
Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P RD43.
 Resize by 65%. 
Select the insid eof the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P paper 8 into selection.
C/P RD28.
Resize by 150%.
Position under the frame.
Selections, Invert, Delete.
Dropshadow City Scape & Frame.
C/P RD05.
 Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position at the top of the frame.
C/P RD39.
Image, Rotate, Free Rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position the bottom of the boa over the bottom of the frame.
C/P your tube.
Position over the left side of the frame.
Use your eraser to remove the top part of the boa.
C/P RD06.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position about halfway up the right side of the frame.
Move under the boa in the layer palette.
C/P RD19.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on a slight angle to the left of the cards.
Move under the boa in the layer palette.
C/P RD29.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the bottom of the cards.
C/P RD08.
Resize by 8%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the corset & Dress.
C/P RD31.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the corset.
C/P RD04.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right of the cash.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Select your background layer.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position under the top right of the frame.
Duplicate stars.
Flip & Mirror.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Cruel Place tut...

Supplies Used:
Arthur Crowe tube exclusive to the Dark Light Website & Magik's CT.
Join Me (Ice) kit from Manipulated By Magik. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Glass & Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Fires Of Ysgard regular

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Moon.
Position toward the upper right side of the canvas.
C/P Frame 7.
Resize by 85%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magik wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 10 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Light Effect.
C/P Web.
Position over the center frame.
C/P Casket.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom right of the frame.
C/P Skeleton.
Resize by 50%.
Adjust, Hue/Saturation set to 0.
Center over the top of the casket.
C/P Headstone.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right of the casket.
C/P Roses.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on a slight angle at the bottom of the headstone.
C/P Candle.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the roses.
C/P Bottles.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the candle & Roses.
C/P Crow.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position between the top of the middle and right frame.
C/P your tube.
Position between the left and center frames.
C/P Word Art 2.
Resize by 85%. 
Apply Gradient Glow of 3.
Position over the bottom right of the tag.
Type out your font.
Apply Eyecandy 4000 Glass.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sweet In Spring tut...

Supplies Used:
The Girl Of Hearts tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
Belle kit by Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Seasons-Spring

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 55.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Use your selection tool to select around the inside of the frame.
Add a new raster layer under the window.
C/P Paper 10 into selection.
Duplicate paper.
Change the layer property to multiply.
C/P Element 82.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the sky part of the paper.
Click on the frame layer.
C/P Element 35.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right of the frame.
C/P Element 63.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top of the window.
C/P Element 56.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom right of the frame.
C/P Element 93.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position flowers to the right of the purple flowers.
C/P Element 22.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position to the left of the yellow/purple flowers.
C/P Element 6.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the window.
Use your deform tool so the element only covers the brown part of the paper.
C/P Element 37.
Resize by 45%. Dropshadow.
Position to the left of the flowers.
C/P Element 60.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the flowers.
C/P Element 1.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position under the left side of the pink flowers.
C/P your tube.
Position over the left side of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3 in white.
Select the background layer.
C/P element 15.
Position under the right side of the frame.
Duplicate & Mirror.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Easter Treats tut...

Supplies Used:
Heather tube by Spazz. Get it at SATC.
Heather kit by Lizquis Scraps. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Texture of choice
Font: Seasons Spring

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Window.
Resize by 65%. 
Select the inside of the window using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 12 into selection.
Flood Fill with texture of choice in white.
Dropshadow window.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the frame.
C/P Grass 1.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the frame.
C/P Banner.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position near the bottom of the grass.
C/P Decor 1.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the frame.
C/P Balloons.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position near the top of the swirl.
C/P Cotton Candy.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on a slight angle under the top swirl.
C/P Strawberry Shake.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the cotton candy.
C/P Flowers.
Resize by 45%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the window.
C/P Eggs & Tulips.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the shake.
C/P Cupcake 1.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom right of the tulips.
C/P Chicken.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the tulips.
C/P Eggs.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom center of the tulip vase.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Devil's Playground tut...

Supplies Used:
She Is Hot tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
The Devil Made Me Do It scrap by Gemini Creationz. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Admiration Pains

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 7.
Resize by 75%.
Position at the top right side of the canvas.
Duplicate moon.
Dropshadow original moon layer.
C/P Element 11.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the moon.
C/P Element 9.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate 2 times.
Position under the left edge of the arch.
Using your lasso tool select around the inside of the arch.
Add a new raster layer under the arch.
C/P Paper 1 into selection.
Duplicate splatter and mover above the paper layer.
C/P Element 71.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position starting in the upper right corner of the canvas.
C/P Element 47.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Change the opacity to 85.
Position at the bottom of the arch.
C/P element 53.
Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom 1/3 of the moon layer.
C/P Element 19.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on an angle to the right of the grave.
C/P Element 27.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the cross.
C/P element 36.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate goblet.
Position goblets over the bottom left of the grave.
C/P E 61.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate 2 times.
Position along the bottom of the arch and grave.
(Mirror leaves if necessary)
C/P Element 23.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the leaves.
C/P Element  56.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the bottle.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the arch.
Type out your font over the moon.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cyber Emo tut...

Supplies Used:
Cyber Me tube by Spazz. Get it at SATC.
Emo La La Song kit by Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Monsterfreak

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 83.
Resize by 100%. Dropshadow.
C/P Element 54.
Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 2 into selection.
Add a new raster layer.
C/P close up tube into selection.
Change the layer property on the tube to Hue(L).
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Element 32.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the frame.
Duplicate vines.
Change the opacity on the top layer to multiply.
C/P Element 81.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the bottom of the vines.
C/P Element 103.
Image, mirror.
Position over the right side of the disco ball.
C/P Element 40.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position to the bottom right of the disco ball.
C/P Element 19.
Image, Flip.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position under the left side of the boom box.
C/P Element 80.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position under the top right of the boom box.
C/P Element 42.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position under the left side of the boom box.
C/P Element 113.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the left of the boom box.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Angelina tut...

Supplies Used:
Angelina tube by Alexander McMillian. Get it at SATC.
Angelina kit by Kristy's Scraps. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: A&S Motherlode

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 6.
Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 1 into selection.
C/P Glittered Leaves.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the frame.
C/P Glitter Scatter.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the frame.
C/P Beads.
Resize by 55%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the frame.
C/P Skull.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position over the bottom left corner of the frame.
C/P Wings.
Image, Flip.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position under the skull.
C/P Beaded Heart.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position under the top left of the skull & Wings.
C/P Heart 2.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the bead heart.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3 in black.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Earth Angel tut....

Supplies Used:
Summer's Angel tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
Enchanted Woods kit by Jackie's Jewels. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Sheer Grace

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame 4.
Resize by 55%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 7 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Clouds.
Resize by 50%.
Duplicate clouds.
Position over the paper and frame layers.
C/P Flowers 2.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top of the frame.
Duplicate Flowers.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Position over the right side of the frame.
C/P Hill.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom right of the frame.
Use your deform tool to shorten the hill.
C/P Birdcage.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right side of the frame.
C/P Butterfly 3.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the hook on the bird cage.
Duplicate and mirror.
Position lower than the original butterfly.
C/P Bird 2.
Resiz eby 35%. Dropshadow.
Position near the bottom left of the cage.
C/P Unicorn.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top of the hill.
C/P yout tube.
Position over the left side of the frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Country Cutie tut...(AC)

Supplies Used:
Deacon Black tube. Get it at CDO.
Country Roots kit by Jackie's Jewels. Get it HERE.
Mask of choice.
Font: Steve Handwriting

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
Selections, Select all.
C/P Paper 7 into selection.
Apply mask of choice and merge group.
C/P Chicken Wire.
Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Lower the opacity to 70.
C/P Sun.
Resize by 140%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right of the chicken wire.
C/P Grass 1.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of your canvas.
C/P House.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position near the top of the grass, The end of the house off the canvas.
C/P Wind Mill.
Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the grass.
C/P Grass 2.
Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position so the right side of the grass is over the house.
C/P Horse.
Image, Mirror.
Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the wind mill.
C/P Wood Pile.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the horse.
C/P your tube.
Position over the right side of the horse.
C/P Hay bail.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position under the right bottom of the tube.
C/P Kitten 1.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over one of the beams on the porch of the house.
C/P Cactus 2.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the far right of the house.
Duplicate Cactus.
Change the layer property to multiply.
Change the layer opacity to 50.
C/P Trough.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position near the bottom of the cactus.
C/P Apples.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the right trough leg.
C/P Chicken.
Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the center of the grass.
C/P Chick Egg.
Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left left of the trough.
Type out your font over the sun.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.