Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving Home tut & Snags....

Supplies Used:
Thanks Babe tube by Elias Chatzoudis. I got this tube from MPT which is now closed but I emailed Elias to see if he will have it in his shop HERE.
A Family Thanksgiving kit by Jackie's Jewels. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Fall Harvest

Open a new image size 500 by 350
C/P Window Frame. Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Using your selection tool carefully select the beam in the center of the window and delete.
Using your selection tool select around the inside of the window.
Add a new raster layer under the window.
C/P Paper 11 into selection.
C/P Firepit 1. Resize by 55%.
Selections, Invert, Delete.
Dropshadow Firepit.
Select the window layer.
C/P Branch Leaves. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Position over one side of the shutters.
Duplicate branch & Mirror.
C/P Tree 1. Resize by  50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the branch on the right side of the window.
C/P Corn Stalk. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position at the inside edge of the right shutter.
C/P Thanksgiving Table. Resize by 55%. Dropshadow.
Position hanging over the bottom of the window.
C/P Squirrel. Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom leg of the chair on the right.
C/P Pinecones. Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate Pinecones.
Position one under the edge of the squirrel, the other over the bottom right of the tree.
Type out your font at the top of the window.
Add Gradient glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

And your snags since ya can't get the tube right now...Click & Right Click to save...


Makin' A List tut...

Supplies Used:
Tube by Dave Nestler. I got this from CILM but since they are closed your can get it at CDO.
Dear Santa kit by Manipulated By Magik. You can get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: A&S Rhino

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Wreath. Resize by 120%. Dropshadow.
C/P Sparkles 2. Resize by 50%.
Position over the bottom left part of the wreath.
Duplicate & Flip.
Merge layer down.
Duplicate & Mirror.
C/P Frame 5. Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 20 into selection.
C/P Tree 2. Resize by 60%. Dropshadow.
Position under the center of the frame.
C/P Penguin. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom right of the tree.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Bells. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your eraser tool to remove the ring on the bells.
Position over the top center of the frame.
C/P Candles. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position about halfway up the right side of the frame.
C/P Branch. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the candles.
C/P Gift. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom half of the branch.
C/P Special Gift. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the gift.
C/P Milk & Cookie. Resize by  15%. Dropshadow.
Position over the left side of the gift.
C/P Fudge. Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position under the right edge of the cookie.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
C/P your tube over the bottom left side of the frame.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Picnic In The Park tut (FTU)

Supplies Used:
Sweet October tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
Spring Break blog train freebie from A Tagger's Scrap. Get it HERE.
Masks of choice
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Spring

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Paper 2 as a new layer.
Apply mask of choice and merge group.
C/P Cloud. Resize by 50%.
Duplicate & Mirror.
Position clouds over the top of the blue mask.
C/P Paper 10.
Apply mask of choice.
Use the arrows to move to the bottom of the tag.
Merge group.
C/P Doorway. Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the tag so the bottom of the doorway is on the green.
C/P Branch. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Image, Rotate, Free Rotate 90 degrees.
Position over one side of the top of the arch.
C/P Bird Bath. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position in the center of the arch at the top of the "grass"
C/P Bird. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position at the top of the bird bath.
C/P Daisy. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate 2 times and position around the "grass" mask.
C/P Rocking Chair. Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom right side of the arch.
C/P Picnic Basket. Resize by 35%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the rocking chair.
C/P Grass. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate a few times and position around the green mask.
C/P your tube to the left of the arch. Dropshadow.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Bluebell Beauty tut, Cluster, & Snags...

Supplies Used:
Miss Winter tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
Romantic Glamour kit by Blue Bell Designs. It seems this kit is retired but no worries I made you a cluster frame if ya need it :)
Font: Segoe Script.

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Floral Doodle Glitter Silver. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
C/P Frame Lace. Resize by 30%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 14 into selection.
C/P your close up tube.
Resize tube as needed.
Selections, Invert, Delete.
Dropshadow tube & Frame layers.
C/P Doodle Orchid. Resize by 10%.
Position near the top left of the frame.
Duplicate doodle orchid 2 times.
Dropshadow original.
C/P Lily Flower 1 Sh. Resize by 5%.
Duplicate lily and mirror.
Position both lillies just under the blossoms on the orchid.
C/P Calia Gold Sh. Resize by 5%.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the side of one of the lillies.
C/P Blue Calia Sh. Resize by 5%
Position below the bud on the gold calia.
C/P Ribbon Blue Recolored Copy Sh. Resize by 10%.
Image, Mirror.
Position at and upward angle using your deform tool.
C/P Bracelate Sh. Resize by 10%.
Position over the blue ribbon using your deform tool.
C/P Doodle Orchid 2. Resize by 10%.
Image, Rotate, Free Rotate 90 degrees.
Position over the ribbon bows.
Duplicate Orchid Doodle 2.
Dropshadow original.
C/P Flower Blue Potpourri Sh. Resize by 5%.
Position under the curve of the doodle orchid 2.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice & Dropshadow.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Here is the Cluster frame in case you don't have the kit in your archives...Click then right click to save.
And some extras...Click & Right click to save...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Emo Xmas tut & Snags...

Supplies Used:
Christmas Lollipop tube by Shawli. I got this tube at MPT which has closed. I went looking and can't find it for sale :(
Emo Flakes kit by Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Frosty

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 63.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 13 into selection.
C/P Element 85. Resize by  40%. Dropshadow.
Position under the right side of the frame.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Element 36. Resize by 30%. 
Duplicate snowflakes 3 times.
Position around the edges of the frame.
C/P Element 64. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Hang over the center small snowflake on the frame.
C/P Element 1. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position to the left of the house.
C/P Element 41. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Positon near the bottom left side of the house.
C/P Element 82. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position to the right bottom of the tree.
C/P Element 83. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the tree.
C/P Element 70. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the toys.
C/P your tube. Dropshadow.
Position over the right side of the house and frame.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

And since I couldn't track down the tube here are some snags...Click then right click to save...

Dance To The Music tut...(FTU)

Supplies Used:
Mathilde tube by Marc Duval. Get it at SATC.
Flow freebie kit by Bibi's Collection. Find out how to get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Fonts: Velvenda Cooler & Satisfaction

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 105. Resize by 65%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 1 into selection.
Duplicate paper layer.
Change the layer property to multiply.
C/P Element 9. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position under the razor frame.
C/P Element 82. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate and mirror.
Position lights under the top left side of the razor frame.
Dropshadow razor frame.
C/P Element 6. resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
position at the bottom of the frame.
C/P your tube over the right side of the frame. Dropshadow.
C/P Element 58. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate speaker.
Stagger both speakers near the middle of the left side of the frame.
C/P Element 56. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left of the speakers.
C/P Element 50. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position along the bottom of the speakers.
Using the Velvenda Cooler font type out your large text under the mic layer.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient glow of 3.
Using the Satisfaction font swap your colors and type out the script font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add gradient Glow of 3.
Repeat the steps of the satisfaction font to apply your name.
Select your background layer.
C/P Element 30. Dropshadow.
Position under the top right side of the frame.
C/P Element 35. Resize by 125%. Dropshadow.
Position so it sticks out under the edge of the frame.
C/P Element 62. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate 2 times.
Position around the edge of the frame.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Little Rainbows tut, Extras, & Clusterframe...

Supplies Used:
Little-Nonnie Carla tube by Bonnie's Creations. Get it HERE.
Kit is called A Beautiful World by Krystal Hartley. I got this kit from Sweet Shoppe Designs but it looks like it is no longer available so I will also post a cluster frame and extras after the tut :)
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Satisfaction

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Frame Cardboard. Resize by 30%.
Select the insid eof the frame using the magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 5 into selection.
C/P Rainbow. Resize by  15%. Dropshadow.
Position near the top of the paper layer.
C/P Cloud 1. Resize by 8%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate cloud and mirror.
Position one cloud at the bottom of each side of the rainbow.
C/P Sun. Resize by 10%. Dropshadow.
Position under the upper right corner of the frame.
Dropshadow cardboard frame.
C/P Frame String. Resize by 23%. Dropshadow.
Position the bow on the string frame over the upper left corner of the inside of the cardboard frame.
C/P your tube. Dropshadow. (If using the same tube Resize by 30% and delete the line of hearts.)
C/P Leaves. Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 Degrees.
Position over the bottom left corner of the frame.
C/P Flourish 1. Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position just below the yellow sting frame bottom.
C/P Flourish 2. Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Image, Rotate, Free rotate 90 degrees.
Position over the leaves on the bottom left side of the tag.
C/P Button Hearts. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position near the bottom left of the flourishes.
(If using the same tube use your selection tool to select the purple heart on the side. C/P to your tag between the hearts & Dropshadow.)
C/P Bird. Resize by 15%. Dropshadow.
Position over the button hearts.
Type out your font. 
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 5 in a contrasting color.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Ok here is the Cluster frame. Click to open and right click to save....

And a few extras...Click & Right Click to save...

Snow Baby tut...

Supplies Used: 
Tube By Edward Reed. I got it from CILM Before they closed but he will be available soon at Indie-Zine.
Santa's Baby kit by Bibi's Collections. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Frosty

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 10. Resize by 40%. 
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 5 into selection.
C/P Element 30. Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Position Just left of the middle of the frame.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P Element 28. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position to the left of the pole.
C/P Element 42.
Position over the bottom of the frame.
C/P Element 90. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the snow.
C/P Element 35. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the top right of the snow.
C/P Element 11. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate gift.
Position gifts over the bottom right tree.
C/P Element 1. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the gifts.
C/P Element 48. Resize by 30%. 
Image, Mirror
Position near the left bottom of the trees.
C/P Element 49. Dropshadow.
Position over the top right of the frame.
C/P Element 50. Dropshadow.
Duplicate snowflake.
Position the pink snowflakes over the bottom right of the white snowflake.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add gradient glow of 3 in white.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baker Boys tut...

Supplies Used:
Tube By Jennifer Janesko. I purchased this tube at CILM before they closed but now you can grab her at CDO.
Yolanthe kit by Bibi's Collection. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Fonts only)
Fonts: 5 by 5 pixel & A&S Snapper Script

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 15. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Using your lasso tool select all the way around the frame.
Add a new raster layer under the frame.
C/P Paper 9 into selection.
Add another new raster layer.
C/P Paper 3 into selection.
Change the layer property on the top layer to overlay.
C/P Element 16. Resize by 65%. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the bottom left side of the tag.
C/P Element 48. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position starting near the pedals of the piano.
C/P Element 47. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the sheet music.
C/P Element 53. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate glass.
Stagger glasses over the bottom right corner of the frame.
C/P Element 28. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom of the glasses.
C/P Element 27. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate, Flip, & Mirror.
Position the gold leaves to run along the bottom edge of the frame.
C/P Element 55. resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Position so the bowl of the pipe hangs over the bottom left of the black leaves.
C/P Element  68. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
Position over the stem of the pipe.
Using your 5 by 5 pixel font size 10 type out your lyrics in color #cd9440.
Apply Gradient Glow of 3.
Using the Snapper Script font type out your name.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3 in #1d0e16.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cute as Cupcakes tut...

Supplies Used:
Cupcake Cutie tube by Zindy. Get it HERE.
Bedtime Stories kit by Manipulated By Magik. Get it HERE.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Crushed Out Girl

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Wire. Resize by 85%. Dropshadow.
C/P Frame 3. Resize by 65%.
Using your magic wand select inside the frame.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 12 into selection.
Dropshadow frame.
C/P faerie dust. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left corner of the frame.
Duplicate, Flip, & Mirror.
C/P your tube. Dropshadow.
C/P Glitter Scatter. Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the frame.
C/P Heart Scatter. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the glitter scatter.
C/P Star Scatter. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the heart scatter.
C/P Balloons. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top left corner of the frame.
C/P Lolli. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position on a slight angle under the balloons.
C/P Cotton Candy. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position the opposite angle as the lolli.
C/P Ice Cream. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom point of the cotton candy.
C/P Cupcake 2. Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate cupcake.
Position both cupcakes staggered over the bottom of the Ice Cream Cone.
C/P Bear. Resize by 25%. Dropshadow.
Position over the cupcakes.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient glow of 5 in white. 
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Purple Emo tut...

Supplies Used:
Sandy tube by Spazz. Get it at SATC.
Slurple The Purple Emo kit by Crystal's Creation. Get it at SATC.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Teenage Angst

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Element 33. Resize by 85%.
Select the inside of the frame using your magic wand.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer under the frame layer.
C/P Paper 4 into selection.
Selections, Invert.
C/P Element 32. Resize by 50%.
C/P your tube. Position inside the frame.
Hit delete on both the tube and element layer.
Dropshadow Element, Tube, & Frame.
C/P Element 1. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your eraser tool to carefully remove the bow part on the element.
Position over the black bow so it hangs down the side of the frame.
C/P Element 28. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Position over the bottom left side of the frame.
C/P Element 22. Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate cupcake & Mirror.
Position near the bottom left of the skull cluster.
C/P Element 14. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Use your deform tool to position the bat wing over the left edge of the cupcakes.
Type out your font.
Add inner bevel of choice.
Apply Gradient Glow of 3 in black.
Select the background layer.
C/P Element 15. Resize by 50%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate stars.
Image, Flip & Mirror.
Position the stars as desired under the frame.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark!

Santa's Gift tut & Extras... (FTU)

Supplies Used:
Xmas 2010 tube by Marco Guaglione. This was from the MPT Xmas gift that year and MPT has closed. Unfortunately this artist has retired but you can find his work HERE.
Dear Santa Sampler from Manipulated by Magik. Get it HERE.
Mask of choice.
Eyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow (Font Only)
Font: Velvenda Cooler

Open a new image size 500 by 500.
C/P Wire. Dropshadow.
C/P Christmas Tree. Resize by 80%. Dropshadow.
Position near the left side of the wire.
C/P Bauble. Resize by 10%. Dropshadow.
Lower the opacity on the bauble to about 85.
Duplicate the bauble several times and position over the tree.
C/P Lights 1. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate lights 2 times.
Position lights over the tiers in the tree.
If needed use your eraser to remove the curls over the end of the lights.
C/P Star. Resize by 20%. Dropshadow.
Position over the top of the tree.
C/P Deco. Resize by 75%. Dropshadow.
Position at the bottom of the tree.
C/P your tube over the right side of the tree. Dropshadow.
C/P Bear. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position under the edge of the tube's legs.
C/P Mistletoe. Resize by 40%. Dropshadow.
Position hanging from the wire background over the tube head.
C/P Stocking. Resize by 30%. Dropshadow.
Duplicate stocking. Position hanging from the right side of the wire.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add fat gradient glow of 3 in white.
Select your background layer.
C/P paper 12 as a new layer.
Apply mask of choice and merge group.
Don't forget your copyright & Watermark!

And cause the tube is unavailable now here are a few extras....