Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wild For Him tut...

Supplies Used:
Tube by The Hunter and Dirty Rocker Boy kit from Manipulated By Magik are both forum exclusive earnables. Join in the HIM fun at HIM Addicts.
Template 50 from Punky Butts Tutorials.
Eeyecandy 4000 Gradient Glow & HSB Noise.
Font: Fires Of Ysgard

Open the template and delete the copyright and background layers.
Dropshadow starburst right and left layers.
Select the green square layer.
Selections, Select all, Float.
Modify, Expand by 1.
C/P Paper 11 into selection.
Selections, Select none.
Move the Green frame layer above your new paper layer.
Click the paper layer in your layer palette.
Selections, Select all.
On the frame layer hit delete. This should leave just a small thin frame.
Go to adjust, Color balance, manual color correct.
Click manual color.
Select the color from your template as the source and your desired color as the target.
Dropshadow your new frame layer.
Select the pink square layer.
Selections, Select all, Float.
Modify, Expand by 1.
C/P Paper 15 into selection.
Selections, Select none.
Move the pink frame layer above your new paper layer.
Click the paper layer in your layer palette.
Selections, Select all.
On the frame layer hit delete. This should leave just a small thin frame.
Go to adjust, Color balance, manual color correct.
Click manual color.
Select the color from your template as the source and your desired color as the target.
Dropshadow your new frame layer. 
Using your magic wand tool select the  small squares at the top and bottom of the film strip.
Selections, Modify, Expand by 1.
C/P Paper 4 into selection.
click the center of the frame using your magic wand.
C/P Paper 5 into selection.
Add a new rater layer.
C/P paper 7 into selection.
Change the layer property to Luminance (L).
Select the pbs frame again.
Using the manual color correct tool again change the pink squares of the frame to a color to compliment your tag.
Click on the star layer right.
Manual color correct to your desired color.
Apply Eyecandy 4000 HSB noise.
Selections, Select all, Float.
Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with desire color for star frame.
Hit delete.
Adjust, Add/Remove Noise.
Add noise Random, 100, Monochrome checked.
Dropshadow star frame layer.
Click on the star layer left.
Manual color correct to your desired color.
Apply Eyecandy 4000 HSB noise.
Selections, Select all, Float.
Modify, Expand by 3.
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with desire color for star frame.
Hit delete.
Adjust, Add/Remove Noise.
Add noise Random, 100, Monochrome checked.
Dropshadow star frame layer. 
C/P Star Chain.
Image, Rotate right 90 degrees.
Resize by  75%.
Position near the bottom of the film strip frame.
C/P your tube.
Position over the left side of the tag.
Click on the word art glow layer.
Use your manual color correct tool to change the color of the glow. Don't worry about it changing the color of the word art cause the black layer is over it ;)
Dropshadow black wordart layer.
C/P Smokes.
Image, Rotate 90 degrees.
Resize by 50%. 
Position near the inside bottom right corner of the film strip frame.
C/P Deadly Finger.
Resize by 75%.
Position over the right side of the film strip frame.
C/P Booze.
Resize by 60%.
Image, Mirror.
Position over the bottom of the other elements.
Type out your font.
Apply inner bevel of choice.
Add Gradient Glow of 3, Second tab make sure you have 2 different color boxes.
Resize as desired.
Don't forget your copyright and watermark.

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