Supplies needed:
My Sweet as Sugar template HERE
Toxic Candy Scrapkit from Made By Justine. This is a PTU Scrapkit you can get from Scrap It Sassy.
Tube is Nina Terror from Celine Pinupart which you can get at SATC HERE
Filters used:
Eye Candy 4000 (Gradient Glow, Glass, & HSB Noise)
Fonts used:
Ukrainian Brush Script
Phatt Phreddy
Open the template and make the x shape layer active. Selections, select all, float, defloat. Copy and paste Paper 4 as a new layer.Selections, invert, delete. Deselect. Change Layer property to Hard light. Layers Merge down. Apply Eyecandy gradient glow in black with these settings...
Select frame Background Layer. Selections, select all, float, defloat. Add a new raster layer. Copy and paste Glitter 2 into selection. Select none. If you like you can delete the back oval background now.
Select Oval Frame layer. Inner bevel with these settings...
Still on the frame layer add eyecandy 4 gradient glow same settings as before.
I added my tube over the frame layer. erase any bits that hang over the bottom of the frame. Effects, 3d effects, dropshadow. I almost always use my settings on 2,2,50, 5. Make sure your tube is UNDER your wordart layers.
Select WA Background 1. Add eye candy 4 HSB Noise with these settings..
Add same drop shadow as before.
Select WA 1 layer. Selections, select all, float, defloat. C/P paper 4 as a new layer. Selections, Invert, Delete. Deselect. Effects, 3d effects, inner bevel same setting as before.
Select WA background layer 2. Apply HSB Noise same settings as before. Add eye candy 4 gradient glow same settings as before.
Select WA 2 layer. Add Eye Candy 4 glass with the following settings...
Add drop shadow.
Select you background layer. Add Fence 3. Use your deform tool to make it stick out from under the edges of the X shape.
Select the background layer again. C/P Doodle paint 3. I resized mine by 15% and added a few on both sides of the fence.
Select you tube layer and start adding your elements.
C/P curled ribbon. Resize by 40% move to bottom right of you tag just under your wordart layers. Duplicate, flip. move down to left bottom of tag slightly up from the right side. Repeat steps with Curled ribbon 2 offsetting them slightly.
Still under the wordart add Razor. Resize by 75%. Use your deform tool to give it a slight angle.
Now OVER you wordart layer add Bunny 2. Resize by 30%. Sharpen.
C\P Lolly 2. Resize by 40%. Duplicate and use your deform tool on duplicate to get the slight angle.
C/P Bow. Resize by 20%. Duplicate. Add bows to lolly stick.
C/P Cupcake 2. Resize by 40%. Move to cover bottoms of lolly sticks.
C/P BonBon and BonBon 3. Resize both by 30% and sharpen. Use as many or as few of these as ya need to fill in that corner of your tag.
Now for your name. I used color b403d6. position then convert to raster layer. Add eye candy 4 glass same as before. Selections, select all, float, defloat. Modify, Expand by 2. Add new raster layer. Flood fill with 23bdb3. Deselect. Move this BELOW you text layer. Add eye candy 4000 hsb noise as before. Add same drop shadow as before.
Don't forget your copyrights and watermark!
Thanks for looking!